I cannot find my Source Network when scanning for wireless networks in the Basic Setup Wizard.
The Range Extender / Bridge may be out of range. Move the Range Extender / Bridge closer towards
the wireless router and try Basic Setup again from the Web Menu. It is recommended that your Source
Network shows a signal strength of 70% or greater in the Setup Wizard SCAN results.
Go to the Wi-Fi Settings tab in the web menu and access the Wireless Coverage Controls for your
specific wireless network (2.4GHz or 5.0GHz). Make sure the setting is at 100% and try again.
Make sure that your Source Network’s wireless SSID is broadcasting and not hidden. If your Source
Network SSID is hidden, you will need to manually setup the Range Extender / Bridge through the Wi-
Fi Settings > Basic Settings.
My Range Extender / Bridge was working fine previously, but now I can no longer access the Internet through
the Range Extender / Bridge. Or, I had a
and now the Range Extender / Bridge no longer
The Range Extender / Bridge should automatically heal itself and reconnect to your wireless network. However,
in the event that it does not and you are not able to access the Internet or your Source Network please try the
following options: