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Ampac Detectors
Cleaning, Maintenance and Functional Test Procedures
Testing Discovery CO Detector
2.4.1 Use Ampac CO test gas part number 204-0020, which may be used in conjunction with
the Ampac smoke detector test pole part number 204-0004.
2.4.2 The Ampac ‘Testifire’ unit part number 204-0025, 204-0028 and 204-0029, used in
conjunction with the relevant CO capsule may also be used.
2.4.3 Procedure
Place CO test gas inside smoke detector test pole as per instruction manual
supplied with test equipment.
Place applicator over CO detector ensuring seal around CO detector.
Press upwards slightly to activate aerosol in a one second burst.
If the detector has not responded in 30 seconds repeat test at 30 second intervals
whereby the total number of applications should not exceed five.
If the detector fails to activate, check test equipment and re-test. If the detector will
still not activate replace with a new detector.
The Discovery CO detector has integrating periods of up to 60 seconds in some
detection modes.