![Ammann ARW 65 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 85](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/ammann/arw-65/arw-65_operating-instructions-manual_2933648085.webp)
7.0.4 Ex ter nal charg ing
Read and fol low man ual of the charger man u fac turer.
Check elec tro lyte level be fore charg ing and bal ance it where
nec es sary (see point 7.0.5 – main te nance)
Only charge the bat tery with suit able, volt age reg u lated charg -
ers with the same nom i nal volt age, oth er wise the bat tery has
to be dis con nected/re moved. Rec om men da tion:
Charg ing cur rent: 1/10 Am pere of the bat tery ca pac ity Ah
Charg ing volt age: 14,4 V
Never charge frozen bat ter ies or bat ter ies with a tem per a ture
higher than 45°C.
Con nect the pos i tive ter mi nal (+) of the bat tery with the pos i -
tive ter mi nal (+) of the charger and the neg a tive ter mi nal (-) of
the bat tery with the neg a tive ter mi nal (-) of the charger.
Only switch on the charger af ter con nect ing it to the bat tery.
Only switch off the charger af ter charg
ing has been com -
In ter rupt charg ing if the acid tem per a ture ex ceeds 55°C.
In case the bat tery be comes hot or acid leaks, the charg ing
must be in ter rupted!
The bat tery is fully charged if:
Cur rent and volt age re main con stant with volt age reg u lated
charg ers.
The charg ing volt age does not rise any
more within two
hours with a cur
rent reg
lated charger. The au
charger switches off or switches over to main tain charge.
En sure good ven ti la tion dur ing charg ing.
7.0.5 Main te nance
Keep the bat tery sur face clean and dry, only clean with damp
or antistatic cloth.
Pro tect ter mi nals/con nec tion clamps against cor ro sion (as
de scribed un der point 7.0.3).
Con trol elec tro lyte level (re gard in ner or outer mark ing on the
box or op ti cal acid level in di ca tor in the lid).
If nec es sary, re fill de min er al ised or dis tilled wa ter ac cord ing to
DIN IEC 60933-3… up to the max i mum acid level (never re fill
acid, for eign mat ters or so-called optimizers).
In case of high elec tro lyte loss, con sult a ga rage.
In case of in suf fi cient start ing per for mance, check bat tery and
pos si bly re charge it (see point 7.0.4).
7.0.6 Jump Start ing
Only use stan dard ized jump start ca bles (e.g. ac cord ing to
DIN 72 553).
Re gard in struc tions of the jump start ca ble man u fac turer.
Only use bat ter ies of the same nom i nal volt age.
Switch off the en gine of the giv ing ve hi cle (1).
Con nect jump start ca ble to the pos i tive ter mi nal (+) of the do -
na tor bat tery
and to the po si ti ve ter mi nal (+) of the re cei -
ving bat te ry
or to the po si ti ve (+) ve hi cle con nec ti on ter mi -
Only then con nect the jump start ca ble to the neg a tive ter mi -
nal (-) of the do nat ing bat tery
and to a stur dy, blank mass in
the re cei ving ve hi cle or to the ne ga ti ve (-) jump start point
(Do not use the ne ga ti ve ter mi nal of the re cei ving bat te ry as a
point of con nec ti on).
Start re ceiv ing ve hi cle (2).
In case the first at tempt to jump start the ve hi cle fails, the do -
nat ing ve hi cle can be started BEFORE the sec ond jump start
Dis con nect the jump start ca bles in op po site or der.
7. Ba tte ry
12 V
12 V