6.5 Main tain ing the HATZ en gine
Only the main ten an ce work which has to be per for med dai ly
is in clu ded in this ope ra ting ma nu al. Plea se re fer to the en -
gi ne ope ra ting ma nu al and to the main ten an ce in struc tions
and in ter vals lis ted the rein.
6.5.1 Over view
Fuel fill ing socket
Com bus tion air in take
Air fil ter
Lock ing screw for wa ter sep a ra tor cham ber
Fuel fil ter
Oil fill ing socket/dip stick
Oil drain plug
Oil fil ter
Cool ing air in take
Cool ing air out let
6.5.2 Fill ing up with fuel
Park the ma chine hor i zon tally.
Stop the en gi ne.
Clean around the fuel filler socket (1).
Open the fuel filler socket and
Vi su ally check the fuel level.
Top-up if nec es sary. All die sel oils sold as fuel and com ply ing
with the fol low ing min i mum spec i fi ca tion can be used: EN 590
or DIN 51601 - DK or BS 2869 A1 / A2 or ASTM D 975 - 1D / 2D
Close the tank tightly.
6. Main ten an ce
Only top-up by sta tion ary mo tor.
No open fire.
Do not smoke.
Do not fill-up in closed rooms.
Do not in ha le pe trol fu mes.
Col lect spilt fuel in a suit ab le con tai ner and pre -
vent spil la ge en te ring the soil.