APW77BAM (Wi-Fi Access Point) User Manual
Version 1.0.1
Copyright © 2017 ICP DAS Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved E-mail: [email protected]
2.2.2 One Master and a set of concatenated Slaves
This device also support universal repeater function, you can easily extend the wireless
network with a series repeaters that are wireless concatenated to build up the wireless
network without running Ethernet cables to each repeater.
As illustrated in above figure, if you intend to deploy 4 APs (AP1 ~ AP4) to create a
wireless network, you can follow the procedure below:
Set AP1 in Master Mode,
and configure it via web
1. Make sure AP1 is in Master Mode (WiFi LED
should be
“Green” color, if not, you have to
toggle its AP mode via pressing the WEC button
for 9~10 seconds)
2. Login in to AP1 web UI and configure the
wireless settings as what you want (LAN IP,
SSID, encryption key, etc..).
Set AP2, AP3, AP4 in
Slave Mode.
1. Make sure AP2 / AP3 / AP4 is in Slave Mode
(WiFi LED should be
“Amber” color, if not, you
have to toggle its AP mode via pressing the
WEC button for 9~10 seconds)