Enter your desired value for each setpoint and then press the
ENTER key on your laptop. Keep in mind that your values
cannot exceed the limit of the selected analog Output Range
that you previously selected.
Both Alarms have a 1% hysteresis band that correlates with the
customer selected output range. As the H
S reading rises to the
alarm setpoint, the relay will energize precisely the setpoint. As
the H
S reading drops, it will have to exceed a 1% hysteresis of
the alarm setpoint before it de-energizes.
Example: Analog output range has been set for 0–100 ppm
with an alarm set for 10 ppm. This relay will energize
at exactly 10.0 ppm and de-energize at 9.9 ppm.
Step 4: Alarm Logic & Setup
The Analyzer features 2 independent H
S Concentration Alarms –one for
ALARM 1 and one for ALARM 2. The settings for these alarms, including
setpoints, relay contacts, close/open logic and alarm delays, are adjusted
through the
It is important that you plan out how you want your ALARM LOGIC to
work for each ALARM before you start adjusting the settings discussed in
this section.
b) Set the ALARM DELAYS.
There are 2 ALARM DELAYS. Each ALARM DELAY setting is
located beneath the corresponding ALARM that it controls.
Enter your desired time duration for each ALARM DELAY and
press the ENTER key on your laptop. You can also adjust using
the UP and DOWN ARROWS. The range is from 0 to 300
*This feature is especially helpful at custody transfer points when
customers are allowed to exceed contractual limits for a
predetermined amount of time.