Setting the Alarms on the MODEL 3010BX
comes standard with two fully, adjustable independent alarms (ALARM ONE
To set ALARM ONE, press the ALARM ONE Button and quickly release. The LCD alarm flag will blink,
and within 3 seconds, press either the UP or DOWN ARROW BUTTON to adjust your alarm setpoint.
Once pressed, just hold the button until you reach your desired alarm setpoint. The longer you hold, the
faster the alarm setpoint adjusts. If no buttons are pressed within 3 seconds, the Analyzer will revert to
measurement mode.
If you make a mistake at any time, simply let go of the button for 3-4 seconds, and the LCD will return to
measurement mode. Then try again.
Note: Your alarm setpoint will be fully adjustable within your selected output range.
To set ALARM TWO, repeat the same steps as used in ALARM ONE.
Changing the Analog Output Range of the
measurement readings on the LCD
Press the OUTPUT RANGE button. The LCD screen will display the current Output Range. Within 3
seconds, use the UP AND DOWN ARROW BUTTONS to scroll the choices and select your desired
output range. Once completed, do not push any buttons and wait for a couple of seconds. Your new
output range will be saved and the Analyzer will revert to measurement mode.
Analog Output Ranges
0 –10 ppm, 0 – 50 ppm, 0 – 100 ppm, 0 – 200 ppm
0 – 100 ppm, 0 – 500 ppm, 0 –1000 ppm, 0 – 2000 ppm
Your selected Analog Output Range will
correlate to the Alarm Range and the Analog
Output Range. For example, if the Output
Range is set to 0 –10ppm, the Alarm Range is
0 –10ppm. The Analog Output will scale within
the selected Analog Output Range and Alarms.
Alarm Two
Alarm One
Up and Down
Arrow Buttons