Megatouch Live Player Features
In addition to the great new games, enhanced gameplay, and cutting-edge graphics,
Megatouch Live systems offer players whole new ways to experience their favorite casual
gaming system. What follows in this section is a brief overview of these features so that
you, the operator, will know all the ins and outs of the player experience.
Getting a Megatouch Live Account
Players can get a Megatouch Live account for free right at the machine. All they need to
do is follow the simple on-screen instructions. After they have their account set up, they
can access the following features:
Credits purchased by the player can be traded for tokens. These tokens are used to
get in-game upgrades.
Upgrades are special gameplay features that the player can unlock by trading in their
tokens. There are three different upgrades available for each game, though players can
only use one upgrade per game.
Challenges and Megatouch Live Points
Challenges are objectives that a player can achieve while playing a single game or over
the course of multiple games. When players fulfi ll these challenges, they will have points
added to their Megatouch Live Score. The more diffi cult the challenge is to achieve, the
more points the player will be awarded. They can then compare their Megatouch Live
Score with other Megatouch Live players all over the country.
Global Leaderboards
In addition to a global Megatouch Live Leaderboards, players with a Megatouch Live
account can view global leaderboards for the highest game and Battle Arena scores
(Battle Arena is also known as Head-to-Head). These leaderboards also have different
listings for Standard and Extended Play, as well as monthly and all-time bests.
Linking with Facebook
Megatouch Live players will have the ability to link their account with their Facebook
account. By doing so, players can post things like challenges completed, high scores,
and Battle Arena wins directly from the game to their Facebook page. Players can also
add comments to their Megatouch Live Facebook posts (200 character limit), or “check
in” from any Megatouch location.
Player Cards
Once players have a Megatouch Live account, they can then link a card to their account
to make logging in even easier. Players can use a credit card or any other unique swipe-
able card with enough information on it for the system to recognize. The ML-1 comes with
a pack of branded Megatouch Live player cards that can be given to players. Additional
packs of 10 cards are available (part number: PM0803-01).