MegaNet Menu
(U.S. Games Only)
NOTE: The game must perform an “Up-
date from Server” in order for all Mega-
Net features to be accessible. The game
must also connect to the server at least
every 15 days for all MegaNet features
to remain.
MegaNet Options
The MegaNet features can be enabled and
disabled through the Options button on the
MegaNet Menu (accessed via the SETUP
Premium Erotic
The Premium Erotic category features
games with content from Penthouse
When enabling the Premium Erotic feature
via the Options button in the MegaNet menu,
a screen describing the terms and content
of the feature appears. Touch the I AC-
CEPT button to proceed or I DON’T AC-
CEPT to cancel. After the feature is en-
abled, a timer can be applied so that the
Premium Erotic feature can only be acces-
sible at certain intervals. Touch the TIMER
button and use the arrows to set the time
frame in which Premium Erotic content is
Games appearing as part of the Premium
Erotic feature are selectable via the Pre-
mium Erotic button in the MegaNet Menu.
The Premium Erotic game setup works in
the same manner as categories in the regu-
lar Game Setup Menu.
Prize Zone
Prize Zone allows players to earn “Prize
Bucks” by playing popular Megatouch
games, then shop for prizes right on the
machine. After touching the Prize Zone icon
on the MegaNet menu, players either log in
with an existing login name, or log in as a
new player by entering the information
requested on the game (name, address,
etc.). Once the player accepts the
agreement displayed on the machine, a
game can be selected for play. Players
then choose how much they want to spend
on the game; the more credits used to play
the game, the more Prize Bucks earned
during gameplay.
Players can redeem Prize Bucks once
gameplay is over by touching the Prizes
icon. The player may select any prize(s)
that can be attained based on the number of
Prize Bucks earned. Players then fill out the
shipping information to have the prize mailed
to the specified shipping address.
NOTE: Prize Zone is not available in
every state or in Freeplay mode.
When enabling Prize Zone via the Options
button in the MegaNet menu, a screen ex-
plaining Prize Zone terms appears. Touch
the I ACCEPT button to finish enabling the
feature, or I DON’T ACCEPT to cancel.
Games appearing as part of the Prize Zone
Menu are selectable via the Prize Zone
button in the MegaNet Menu, which works
in the same manner as categories in the
regular Game Setup Menu.
PENTHOUSE is a trademark of General Media Communications, Inc. Used by permission. Copyright, 2009 by General Media
Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.