User Manual | 47
Analog Signal Zeroing Error
The instrument has failed to zero the detectors analog signal.
Vsig Minimum Voltage Limit
This fault will occur if the RGD detector does not have the minimum Vsig
(1000mv) for proper analysis. Typical Values are 1750-2250. Vsig cannot
be above 2500. Incorrect values could indicate that the RGD lamp is de-
fective or has degraded due to normal usage.
Calib Pressure Out of Range
Calibration gas pressure is not within normal operating range.
Event Program Error
Internal event program has not been correctly entered, is missing, or has
been corrupted.
Printer Error
Printer is not connected, is turned off, or is not functioning properly.
Database Change, Update NV RAM
This fault will occur if any of the system paramaters have been changed.
The most common system paramaters that are changed are the response
factor due to performing a calibration run. This fault can only be updated
during warmup or Idle.
(See Saving Changes into Non-Volatile RAM in the Run Section page 42 of
this manual).