38 | Model ta7000F Gas Purity Monitor
arrow keys to move the cursor in front of the EDL mode field. Press the
Toggle key to toggle the mode on or off. EDL Mode averages the last 8
samples point by point to get an average sample and chromatogram. Us-
ing this mode will help eliminate noise that occurs from run to run.
Print Chromatograms
Select this feature to print chromatograms after each run. Using the
arrow keys move the cursor in front of the Print Chromatograms field.
Press the Toggle key to toggle this feature on or off.
Diagnostic Print Key
The Print key appears when setting the clock. Pressing the Print key from
this page will print a complete report of all system settings, calibration
settings, temperatures and status and the chromatogram from the last
run of the analyzer. This is a system diagnostic tool which can be used to
troubleshoot problems with the analyzer.
Temperatures and Status Page
Pressing the Page key twice will display the Temperatures and Status
Page. This page shows status information about the critical heated zones
and status of the detector. No user input is allowed on this page.
Image of Temperatures and Status Screen
Temperatures & Status
Idle Mode
FID Meth = 295 # 295
FID Column = 50 # 50
Purifier = 295 # 295
FID Bias = On
FID Vout = 49755
FID Flame = 165 #
------------------------- Pressure --------------------------
Carrier = 61.1
Calib. = 26.7