Service and Parts | 7-3
Installing the New Cell
1. Holding the cell assembly that you just removed from the analyzer
(Figure 7-1 inset), loosen and remove the cell tee assembly from the
mount nut (Figure 7-2).
2. Gently pull the cell from the cell tee assembly. Discard the cell O-ring.
3. Open the cell replacement kit (AMETEK P/N 73357TE). Discard the
black O-ring that comes with the kit. You will be using the white
Chem-Raz O-ring. Take the Chem-Raz O-ring and apply a small
amount of the grease (AMETEK P/N 06058JE) that comes with the kit,
and slide it over the open end of the new cell until it is midway be-
tween the white band and the open end. Apply a small amount of the
same grease to the end of the cell tee (Figure 7-2).
4. Insert the new cell into the cell tee assembly and continue to push
the cell in as you pull the O-ring back away from the cell tee assem-
bly with your thumb and forefingers. You should feel the cell contact
collapse as you push the cell in. You will need to apply extra pressure
until the cell touches the bottom of the cell tee assembly. Once the cell
bottoms out, hold it firmly against the cell tee assembly and roll the O-
ring back against the T-fitting. The O-ring must be positioned on the
white band.
5. Insert the new cell and cell tee assembly into the cell entry hex nut
hole and continue to push the cell in until the threads of the cell tee
engage the cell mount nut. Tighten the cell tee by hand, then snug the
cell tee with a 5/8” wrench and tighten @ 30 inch pounds (339 New-
ton-Centimeters) torque.
The cell tee must be in the 9 o’clock position after tightening. If it is
not, loosen the 5/18”-18 nut on the inside of the cell assembly plate
until the tee and mount nut can be adjusted in this position (Figure 7-2).
Figure 7-2. Installing the new cell.