7-2 | Dycor CG1100 Oxygen Analyzer
Cell Replacement
Removing the Cell Assembly
1. Turn the three-way valve on the back of the CG1100 to
2. Disconnect the 24 VDC power connector from the analyzer. Allow the
analyzer to cool down at least 15 minutes before proceeding.
3. Loosen the four (4) Swagelok nuts and remove the U-shaped tubing.
Always use a backup wrench when working on sensor plumbing.
4. Remove the 4 small acorn nuts that hold the cell assembly plate onto
the back cover of the analyzer and put aside (do not discard). Once
the nuts are removed, the assembly can be removed from the ana-
5. Gently pull the assembly towards you. When the cell clip appears,
detach it from the assembly and continue to pull until the entire as-
sembly is free of the analyzer.
6. Make sure that the cell clip remains on the outside of the analyzer for
easier attachment to the new cell.
Cell Assembly
Figure 7-1. Cell assembly for replacement of cell.