3.0 Introduction
The DTI (Digital Temperature Indicator) system is designed for fast
and traceable calibration. The system is portable.
The DTI is prepared for re-calibration by your local calibration
laboratories, and all necessary instructions for the re-calibration is
stated in this manual.
The DTI is a precision instrument and to achieve the precision, a set
of sensor coefficients relating to the specific sensor must be present
in the DTI. Before use of the DTI, ensure that the correct coefficients
for each channel in the DTI are equal to those from the sensors
calibration certificate – see section 5.2.6.
How to install new sensor coefficients can be found in section 8.2.3.
The DTI is not designed for continuously data-logging
recording, since there is no guarantee for missed log
values during the data-logging
Definitions and terminology used in this manual:
Text inside <> refer to soft-keys on the DTI panel or keys on
the PC keyboard.
Text with big letters indicate the activated function if there
are more than one function (example <ON/Off>).
Display text on the DTI is shown inside rounded frames.
Screen menus in the DTI software are shown inside edged