8200-0421-19, REV. A
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6. Passive Hot Switch status
The Passive Hot Switch shows status of both MPCPU A and MPCPU B side-by-side. This is typically
used for verifying and comparing the status in dual-configured systems, but if IP addresses for any two
MPCPUs are provided in System => Options, status’s for both will be displayed whether or not they
are set up to be paired.
The passive hot switch status will display the status for both MPCPU A and MPCPU B. Displayed will
be each ADMPCPU’s site number, site name, DHCP host name, IP address, MAC address, selected
status, port range, firmware version, last selected, mating CPU port range, mating CPU status, mating
CPU IP address, and alarm relay.
7. New Icons for Better Application Browsing
Some EASY application’s icons were redesigned for a better browsing interface.
8. Enhanced menu read, write, and backup of configuration files
The EASY application allows the user to write the configuration data to an ADMPCPU through a
more user friendly interface.
The interface presents the user with a pop-up choice list specifying writing the data to both
ADMPCPUs in a dual system, saving the file, and making an archive backup copy.
The pop-up window has four check boxes that allow the user to choose any or all of the
following actions to perform configuration updates:
- Write the configuration file to The ADMPCPU default or configured IP address.
- Write to both dual-configured ADMPCPUs as specified by MPCPU A and MPCPU B IP/Hostnames
in the Systems > Options menu.
- Save the configuration file to a folder location on the user’s computer.
- Create a backup configuration file to a folder location on the user’s computer or network.
Salvo, tour, and keyboard location names are stored in the ADMPCPU as part of the
configuration data to prevent it from being lost or separated.
- This allows full data backup and recovery from the ADMPCPU.
- These names will be 16 characters maximum in length and EASY CPU will truncate entries for older
configuration files where users defined longer names.
- During this release, the other EASY CPU “comment only type of fields” that are not currently written
to the ADMPCPU are removed to eliminate reading configuration data inconsistency. These include
camera location, monitor name, and PTZ check box.
Other functionality such us browsing to a folder location in both save and backup is available.
9. Configuration file properties
Configuration file properties is now available to the user under File > Properties
The file properties include: File Version, Date File Created, Last User To Modify File, Date File Last
Modified, Last User To Write File To CPU, Date Last Written To CPU A, CPU A IP Last Written To,
Date Last Written To CPU B, and CPU B IP Last Written To.
All configuration files created prior to EASY V2.00 will be File Version 1.00 files.
The newer file version will be V2.00, and these files will contain file “tagging info” also known as file