American Dryer Corporation
113549 - 8
4. Manual Reset Burner Hi-Limit Safety Thermostats (for Gas Dryers Only)
These disk temperature switches have a setting of 330° F (166° C). They are located on the right side of each
burner box, and they are a manual reset type of switch. These switches ensure that there is a proper airflow
through the burner box. Upon a low airflow condition, which may be caused by a clogged lint screen excessively
long or blocked exhaust duct, or improper make-up air, the temperature in the burner boxes will increase tripping
these switches. This will shut off the gas flow to the burner boxes; and the display will read an error code of
“Burner Hi-Limit Fault.” The thermostat must be manually reset and the Phase 7 computer must be reset.
5. Sail Switch (for Gas Dryers Only)
The sail switch is located in the front of the burner box. A sail switch consists of a round damper plate on a lever
arm, which is in contact with an electric switch. When the air blower comes on, it draws air through the gas
burner. This creates a negative pressure inside the burner box. This negative pressure pulls in the sail switch. If
the sail switch does not pull in, this will prevent the dryer from operating and a sail switch fault will display.
NOTE: An overly long or blocked exhaust duct, lack of make-up air, or clogged lint screen will prevent the
sail switches from pulling in.