Optional Accessories & MicroSD cards
MicroSD cards
Class 6-10 in sizes of 6GB-32 GB SDHC micro, provided with SD adapter cards so they can be used with standard SD card
slot readers or built in slots on your PC, laptop or Mac.
Receptacle Extension:
This is used for those wanting Continuous recording power for the DVR.
With the addition of an optional extension receptacle, it is possible to wire the extension receptacle directly to permanent
vehicle power from the vehicle battery. When the DVR power plug is inserted into this Extension port, the DVR is now
provided power all of the time. This permits the DVR to record continuously, whether the vehicle ignition is on or off. Over
time this will drain the battery of the vehicle. This may be acceptable during work days to permit the vehicle to be on all
night long, but for weekend the DVR should be turned off so the 2 days and 3 nights do not drain the vehicle battery
Security Tampering Decal:
These are sold in rolls of 100 & 500, these decals self-destruct when removed so when placed over SD card slot they can
deter & detect tampering or unauthorized card access.
Tel: (770) 263-8118
Fax: (770) 887-5944