C - Glass Panel Installation
1. Carefully lift the glass panels and set them into the side and pan channels. Make sure the glass
panels are stable.
(diagram 18)
The glass channels in the shower pan and wall thresholds will
hold the glass in place while dry-fitting the panels and door.
2. The distance between the glass panels should be 1/4” from the outside edges of the glass
to the inside edge of the glass.
(diagram 19)
Also, each panel should be the same distance
from each wall threshold.
Take all measurements from the outside edges of the glass.
3. Measure the positioning of the glass panels to endure they are in the correct position. Make
sure the glass is level across the top and also the vertical edges are square and straight to each
other. Measure diagonally to check for straightness. Make any necessary adjustments.
(diagram 20)
Glass is tempered and cannot be cut
diagram 18
diagram 19
glass panel
glass panel
shower pan
top of shower pan
note: measurements taken from outside edges of glass.
diagram 20
inside of shower
outside of shower
glass panel
glass panel
1/4” Gap
1/4” Gap