300Mbps Wireless Access Point
wireless network must use the same key and same type
of encryption. There are 2 methods for entering the
KEY; one is to enter a 16-bit HEX digit. Using this
method, users must enter a 10-digit number (for 64-bit)
or 26-digit number (for 128-bit) in the KEY field. Users
must select the same key number for all devices. The
other method is to enter a text and let the computer
generate the WEP key for you. However, since each
product use different method for key generation, it might
not work for different products. Therefore, it is NOT
recommend using.
A security protocol for wireless networks that builds on
the basic foundations of WEP. It secures wireless data
transmission by using a key similar to WEP, but the
added strength of WPA is that the key changes
dynamically. The changing key makes it much more
difficult for a hacker to learn the key and gain access to
the network.WPA2 is the second generation of WPA
security and provides a stronger encryption mechanism
through Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which is
a requirement for some government users.