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Chapter  5

AMD CrossFire™ Technology


These featu”es a”e on–y avai–ab–e fo” AMD Radeon  HD 7850/7870 g”aphics

ca”ds with AMD C”ossFi”e  connections.

5.1  AMD CrossFire™ Overview

AMD C”ossFi”e is a —u–ti-GPU (g”aphics p”ocessing unit) pe”fo”—ance ga—ing

p–atfo”—. It enab–es —u–tip–e g”aphics p”ocesso”s insta––ed in a sing–e co—pute” to

wo”k togethe” to i—p”ove syste— pe”fo”—ance, c”eating a high-pe”fo”—ance ga—ing

p–atfo”—. A typica– AMD C”ossFi”e setup invo–ves two g”aphics ca”ds.
Once you” g”aphics ca”ds have been insta––ed, you can enab–e and configu”e

AMD C”ossFi”e suppo”t using the Cont”o– Cente” softwa”e app–ication. Fo” —o”e

info”—ation, see the AMD C”ossFi”e techno–ogy Web page at 




5.2  Installing AMD CrossFire™ Graphics Cards

These inst”uctions assu—e that a PCIe® g”aphics ca”d has a–”eady been successfu––y

insta––ed in the seconda”y s–ot (s–ot one), and that the p”i—a”y s–ot (s–ot ze”o) is e—pty.


Consu–t you” syste— bui–de” o” OEM to ensu”e that you” syste— has an

ade“uate powe” supp–y.

Fo” an up-to-date –isting of AMD C”ossFi”e ce”tified —othe”boa”ds and powe”

supp–ies, see 




Make su”e the co—pute”, —onito”, and othe” pe”iphe”a– devices a”e off.


Unp–ug the co—pute” powe” co”d and disconnect the —onito” cab–e f”o— the

back pane– of the co—pute”.


To avoid possib–e da—age to the —othe”boa”d, wait app”oxi—ate–y 20 seconds

afte” unp–ugging the powe” co”d befo”e disconnecting a pe”iphe”a– o”

”e—oving a co—ponent f”o— the —othe”boa”d.


Re—ove the co—pute” cove”.
If necessa”y, consu–t the co—pute” —anua– fo” he–p ”e—oving the cove”.



Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

AMD Radeon  HD 7850/7870 Graphics

Summary of Contents for Radeon HD 7850

Page 1: ...AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Graphics User Guide Part Number 51320_enu_1 0...

Page 2: ...inations the eof a e t ade a ks of Advanced Mic o Devices Inc Hype T anspo t is a icensed t ade a k of the Hype T anspo t Techno ogy Conso tiu HDMI is a icensed t ade a k of HDMI Licensing LLC PCI Exp...

Page 3: ...Heed all warnings A wa nings ega ding the p oduct and its ope ating inst uctions shou d be obeyed Use appropriate grounding Caution Fo continued p otection against the isk of e ect ic shock and fi e i...

Page 4: ...iv AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Graphics 2012 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...

Page 5: ...ter 3 Software Installation 9 3 1 AMD Drivers and Software 9 3 2 Installing the AMD Catalyst Software Suite Windows OS 9 Chapter 4 Display Configuration 11 4 1 AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Connections 11 4...

Page 6: ...Canada Compliance Statement Canada 27 7 3 3 CE Compliance Information European Union 27 7 3 4 Electrical Safety 27 7 3 5 VCCI ITE Compliance Information Japan 28 7 3 6 KC Certification Information Ko...

Page 7: ...n HD 7850 500 watt o bette powe supp y with one 6 pin PCIe powe connecto AMD Radeon HD 7870 500 watt o bette powe supp y with two 6 pin PCIe powe connecto s Ce tified powe supp ies a e st ong y eco en...

Page 8: ...y with two 6 pin powe connecto s AMD Radeon HD 7870 600 watt o bette powe supp y with fou 6 pin powe connecto s Fo an up to date isting of ce tified powe supp ies see suppo t a d co us ce tified powe...

Page 9: ...c ick Change Remove Use the wizard that appears to remove the current display driver 4 Tu n off the syste afte the d ive has been e oved Note If the p evious y insta ed g aphics ca d has any addition...

Page 10: ...ows 7 c ick System and Security and then Device Manager unde the System g oup 4 Expand Display Adapter and then ight c ick the d ive fo the g aphics ca d you a e ep acing 5 In the sho tcut enu that ap...

Page 11: ...eed to 1 Sta t the co pute and then uninsta the o d g aphics d ive 2 Tu n off the co pute and then e ove the o d ca d 3 Insta the new ca d and then connect the onito 4 Sta t the co pute and then insta...

Page 12: ...Locate the app op iate bus s ot and if necessa y e ove the co esponding eta backp ate cove s Make su e a inte na cab es a e c ea of the s ot Note If you cannot find a bus s ot to atch the ca d you ne...

Page 13: ...oo ing fan and then ep ace the co pute cove 10 Reconnect any cab es you have disconnected du ing insta ation and then p ug in the co pute s powe co d 11 Tu n on the onito and then the co pute If you h...

Page 14: ...8 Hardware Installation AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Graphics 2012 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...

Page 15: ...ious d ive s that a e on you syste even if they a e fo the sa e g aphics ca d A ways sta t f esh 3 2 Installing the AMD Catalyst Software Suite Windows OS To insta o e ove softwa e you ust have ad ini...

Page 16: ...Express installation Custom installation allows you to select individual software components for installation Tip If the insta e fai s to insta the d ive o you have a softwa e conf ict you can down o...

Page 17: ...on HD 7850 7870 Display Connections 1 2 Mini Disp ayPo t DP connection Ca ies video and audio signa s to Disp ayPo t co p iant devices 3 HDMI connection Type A Ca ies video and audio signa s to HDMI c...

Page 18: ...n f o a Disp ayPo t connection to a non Disp ayPo t disp ay using non Disp ayPo t signa s The type of adapte dong e used dete ines the nu be of disp ays that can be suppo ted by you g aphics ca d In g...

Page 19: you g aphics ca d using an adapte 1 Tu n off you co pute and disp ay 2 P ug the adapte into the connection f o you AMD Radeon g aphics ca d and tighten the thu bsc ews if the e a e any 3 Connect y...

Page 20: ...appea s c ick Properties Note The Cont o Cente softwa e app ication can a so enab e and configu e u tip e onito s b To access the basic u ti onito configu ation settings c ick the Settings tab c Se ec...

Page 21: AMD CrossFire Graphics Cards These inst uctions assu e that a PCIe g aphics ca d has a eady been successfu y insta ed in the seconda y s ot s ot one and that the p i a y s ot s ot ze o is e pty Not...

Page 22: ...e fo exa p e a coo ing fan and then ep ace the co pute cove 9 Reconnect any cab es you have disconnected and p ug in the co pute powe co d 10 Tu n on the onito and then the co pute You can now enab e...

Page 23: ...the AMD CrossFire Diagnostics page 4 F o the ist se ect the app op iate co bination Note If the se ected co bination is not the ost opti a choice fo you syste a essage appea s at the botto of the page...

Page 24: ...18 AMD CrossFire Technology AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Graphics 2012 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...

Page 25: ...ings It a so p ovides a sea ch featu e fo finding specific pages as we as the abi ity to book a k pages by pinning the within the app ication The fo owing is a ist of co on configu ation tasks that ca...

Page 26: ...avai ab e with the Cont o Cente softwa e app ication p ovides detai ed usage info ation and tips fo configu ing you AMD p oduct The he p syste a so p ovides conceptua info ation on the techno ogies th...

Page 27: ...oot process stops Make ce tain that the g aphics ca d is p ope y connected to the inte na powe supp y and the othe boa d 7 1 1 3 No display on power up This ay be an SBIOS issue Rep ace the o d ca d a...

Page 28: ...t setting ay be sing e s ot suppo t Refe to the othe boa d s anua fo info ation to enab e dua PCIe s ot suppo t Fo o e info ation see the AMD C ossFi e Web page at sites a d co us ga e techno ogy Pag...

Page 29: ...i e syste s 7 1 2 7 Video Displays Flicker During System Startup This is no a du ing AMD C ossFi e sta tup 7 1 2 8 AMD CrossFire Disabled after Swapping Moving Cards If you change the AMD C ossFi e co...

Page 30: ...ntation 7 1 3 6 The CRT display is green The syste is in co ponent output ode Resta t the co pute with on y the CRT onito connected 7 1 3 7 TVs monitors connected cannot be enabled If TVs and o onito...

Page 31: ...c in ui ies If eso ving the p ob e being expe ienced is c itica to you decision to keep the p oduct it is you esponsibi ity to ensu e that you know and a e within the pe iod of ti e you ese e wi a ow...

Page 32: ...e fe ence that ay cause undesi ed ope ation This e uip ent has been tested and found to co p y with the i its designed to p ovide easonab e p otection against ha fu inte fe ence in a esidentia insta a...

Page 33: ...cause adio inte fe ence in which case the use ay be e ui ed to take ade uate easu es EMC Di ective 2004 108 EC CISPR 22 EN 55022 C ass A Li its and ethods of easu e ent of adio distu bance cha acte is...

Page 34: ...0 This p oduct co p ies with the PCI Exp ess 300W E ect o echanica Specification p ease efe to the anufactu e fo additiona info ation Othe e evant input powe data wi a so be avai ab e 7 3 5 VCCI ITE C...

Page 35: ...7 3 6 KC Certification Information Korea Class A T ans ation C ass A E uip ent Business pu pose info te eco unications e uip ent As this e uip ent has unde gone EMC egist ation fo business pu pose th...

Page 36: esidentia a ea KN22 and KN24 7 3 7 BSMI Certification Information Taiwan Class A T ans ation This is a C ass A Info ation P oduct when used in esidentia envi on ent it ay cause adio f e uency inte...

Page 37: i a to those be ow that indicates its eve of co p iance with China RoHS standa ds Fo info ation on China RoHS EU RoHS o EU REACH co p iance p ease efe to P oduct Envi on enta Co p iance on the AMD...

Page 38: ...32 Reference AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Graphics 2012 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...
