© 2012 Advanced Mic”o Devices Inc. A–– ”ights ”ese”ved.
The contents of this docu—ent a”e p”ovided in connection with Advanced Mic”o Devices, Inc. ( AMD ) p”oducts.
AMD —akes no ”ep”esentations o” wa””anties with ”espect to the accu”acy o” co—p–eteness of the contents of
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AMD s Standa”d Te”—s and Conditions of Sa–e, AMD assu—es no –iabi–ity whatsoeve”, and disc–ai—s any exp”ess
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to its p”oducts at any ti—e without notice.
AMD, the AMD A””ow –ogo, ATI, the ATI –ogo, AMD Ath–on, AMD LIVE!, AMD Opte”on, AMD Pheno—, AMD
Se—p”on, AMD Tu”ion, AMD64, A––-in-Wonde”, AMD Avivo, AMD Cata–yst, AMD C”ossFi”e, AMD C”ossFi”eX,
AMD Fi”eP”o, AMD Fi”eSt”ea—, AMD Hype”Me—o”y, AMD Ove”D”ive, Powe”P–ay, AMD Powe”Xp”ess, AMD
Radeon, Re—ote Wonde”, Su””oundView, Theate”, The U–ti—ate Visua– Expe”ience, Va”i-B”ight, and
co—binations the”eof a”e t”ade—a”ks of Advanced Mic”o Devices, Inc.
Hype”T”anspo”t is a –icensed t”ade—a”k of the Hype”T”anspo”t Techno–ogy Conso”tiu—.
HDMI is a –icensed t”ade—a”k of HDMI Licensing, LLC.
PCI Exp”ess and PCIe a”e ”egiste”ed t”ade—a”ks of PCI-SIG Co”po”ation.
Linux is a ”egiste”ed t”ade—a”k of Linus To”va–ds.
Di”ectX, Mic”osoft, Windows, and Windows Vista a”e ”egiste”ed t”ade—a”ks of the Mic”osoft Co”po”ation in the
United States and/o” othe” ju”isdictions.
OpenCL is a t”ade—a”k of App–e Inc. used by pe”—ission by Kh”onos.
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Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
Manufactu”ed unde” –icense f”o— Do–by Labo”ato”ies. Do–by and the doub–e-D sy—bo– a”e t”ade—a”ks of
Do–by Labo”ato”ies.
© 1992-1997 Do–by Labo”ato”ies, Inc. A–– ”ights ”ese”ved.
Rovi Corporation
This device is p”otected by U.S. patents and othe” inte––ectua– p”ope”ty ”ights. The use of Rovi Co”po”ation's
copy p”otection techno–ogy in the device —ust be autho”ized by Rovi Co”po”ation and is intended fo” ho—e
and othe” –i—ited pay-pe”-view uses on–y, un–ess othe”wise autho”ized in w”iting by Rovi Co”po”ation.
Reve”se enginee”ing o” disasse—b–y is p”ohibited.
Whi–e eve”y p”ecaution has been taken in the p”epa”ation of this docu—ent, Advanced Mic”o Devices, Inc.
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–atest docu—entation.
AMD Radeon HD 7850/7870 Graphics
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Summary of Contents for Radeon HD 7850
Page 1: ...AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Graphics User Guide Part Number 51320_enu_1 0...
Page 4: ...iv AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Graphics 2012 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...
Page 14: ...8 Hardware Installation AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Graphics 2012 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...
Page 24: ...18 AMD CrossFire Technology AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Graphics 2012 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...
Page 38: ...32 Reference AMD Radeon HD 7850 7870 Graphics 2012 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...