4. Use of aScope 4 Broncho
Numbers in gray circles below refer to illustrations on page 2.
4.1. Preparation and Inspection of aScope 4 Broncho
Visual inspection of the aScope 4 Broncho 1
1. Check that the pouch seal is intact.
2. Make sure to remove the protective elements from the handle and from the insertion cord.
3. Check that there are no impurities or damage on the product such as rough surfaces, sharp
edges or protrusions which may harm the patient.
Refer to the aView Instruction for Use for preparation and inspection of the aView monitor 2
Inspection of the Image
1. Connect aScope 4 Broncho to the aView by plugging the white aScope 4 Broncho
connector with blue arrow into the corresponding blue female connector on the aView.
Please be careful to align the arrows when inserting the aScope 4 Broncho connector into
the aView monitor.
2. Verify that a live video image appears on the screen by pointing the distal end of aScope 4
Broncho towards an object, e.g. the palm of your hand.
3. Adjust the image preferences on the aView if necessary (please refer to the aView
Instruction for Use).
4. If the object cannot be seen clearly, wipe the lens at the distal end using a sterile cloth.
Preparation of aScope 4 Broncho
1. Carefully slide the bending control lever forwards and backwards to bend the bending section
as much as possible. Then slide the bending lever slowly to its neutral position. Confirm that
the bending section functions smoothly and correctly and returns to a neutral position.
2. Using a syringe insert 2ml of sterile water into the working channel port (if applying a Luer
Lock syringe use the enclosed introducer). Press the plunger, ensure that there are no
leaks, and that water is emitted from the distal end.
3. If applicable, prepare the suction equipment according to the supplier’s manual.
Connect the suctioning tube to the suction connector and press the suction button to
check that suction is applied.
4. If applicable, verify that endoscopic accessory of appropriate size can be passed through
the working channel without resistance. The enclosed introducer can be used to facilitate
the insertion of soft accessories such as microbiology brushes.
4.2. Operating the aScope 4 Broncho
If any malfunction should occur during the endoscopic procedure, stop the procedure
immediately, put the distal tip in its neutral and non-angled position and slowly withdraw the
aScope 4 Broncho without touching the bending lever.
Holding the aScope 4 Broncho and manipulating the tip 6a
The handle of the aScope 4 Broncho can be held in either hand. The hand that is not holding the
aScope 4 Broncho can be used to advance the insertion cord into the patient’s mouth or nose.
Use the thumb to move the control lever and the index finger to operate the suction button.
The control lever is used to flex and extend the tip of the aScope 4 Broncho in the vertical plan.
Moving the control lever downward will make the tip bend anteriorly (flexion). Moving it
upward will make the tip bend posteriorly (extension). The insertion cord should be held as
straight as possible at all times in order to secure an optimal tip bending angle.
Tube connection 6b
The tube connection can be used to mount ETT and DLT with an ISO connector during intubation.
Insertion of the aScope 4 Broncho 7a
Lubricate the insertion cord with a medical grade lubricant when the aScope 4 Broncho is
inserted into the patient. If the camera image of the aScope 4 Broncho becomes unclear the tip
can be cleaned by gently rubbing the tip against the mucosal wall or remove the aScope 4
Broncho and clean the tip. When inserting the aScope 4 Broncho orally, it is recommended to
use a mouthpiece to protect the aScope 4 Broncho from being damaged.