IP Address :
The IP address of Wireless Network should be different as the network IP addresses.
IP Mask
: The value should be same as the Subnet Mask address of wireless Network IP address.
If you had changed any configuration, please click “
” Button.
The “WEP” Tab,
Wired Equivalent Privacy is a data privacy security mechanism based on a 40 bit shared
key algorithm.
: With “Disabled” the WEP function will be not active. If you wish to utilize the WEP
function, please select “Enabled”.
: To generate the key, if the WEP is enabled. This is the code used while a wireless point is to
log on to the network thru the WEP encryption function. All points in the Wireless Network system
have to have the same key shared which is set with a maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters.
WEP Key Setting
: This setting key is to configure the WEP encryption in the wireless network system. To
generate the key, please insert the same PassPhrase in the field and click the “Done” to create the
encryption key which must be same as the every points on the Wireless Network system. Then Click
the “Apply” to store the setting keys.
If you had changed any configuration, please click “
” Button.
The “About” Tab
, it is the trademark and USB configuration utility version.