There are no trimpots to adjust after assembly.
High quality circuit board
Glass epoxy 3.1375"x1.9875" printed circuit board, double-layer with plated-through holes,
silkscreen and solder mask.
The layout of all parts and traces have been carefully considered for maximum performance.
A low-impedance ground plane covers the entire surface of the bottom side. The top side has
a partial V- plane that doubles as the heatsink for the 7812 voltage regulator.
Exposed copper islands beneath the SOIC-8 opamps allows improved heat dissipation when
a small amount of heatsink compound is applied, especially for the AD8397ARDZ opamp
which has a thermal "E-pad" at the bottom.
A strip of the ground plane is exposed along each bottom side, allowing the amplifier's signal
ground to be electrically connected to the case (via the board slots) without the need to add
any wires. The grounded case improves RFI shielding without additional wiring.
The board is designed to slide perfectly into a Hammond 1455C80x series extruded
enclosure, making the casing of this amplifier very easy.
A 3D rendering of a partially-populated Mini³ circuit board.