Specifications and benchmarks
Measurements were done on Mini³ high performance edition and Mini³ extended runtime edition
amplifiers with a default gain of 5. The parts selection are as specified in tsection.
The tests were conducted using the following equipment:
1. Wavetek 188 4MHz sweep function generator
2. Tektronix TDS2014B 100MHz quad trace digital storage oscilloscope
3. Protek 6510 100MHz analog dual trace oscilloscope
4. Fluke 95 50MHz digital dual trace ScopeMeter
5. Fluke 187 digital multimeter
6. Toshiba Satellite A65 laptop computer with Celeron 2.8GHz CPU and 768MB RAM
Firewire Audiophile mobile interface
dummy loads 330Ω/33Ω/none
10. other custom test jigs, cables and software