NOTE: Your ASC-2080 comes pre-calibrated out of the box so you are ready to fly.
After several crashes and shocks to your gyro sensors, you may notice that your drone is drifting and cannot
hold its center position while hovering as well as it used to.
This most likely means that you need to recalibrate your ASC-2080. Please follow the simple instructions
1. Place the ASC-2080 on a flat level surface
2. Make sure the ASC-2080 is on and that the controller is synced (refer to syncing pg 4). Do not start the
blades. Instead move both the throttles and control stick down and to the right corner (see diagram R).
You will see the lights on the drone rapidly flash and stop. Once the lights stop flashing you have
completed your calibration and are ready to fly!
: If you do not see the lights flash, remove the battery from the drone then turn off
your controller and start over. Always make sure to put your battery in before turning on your controller.
Push the left throttle stick all the way up and then down touching the top and bottom of the controller.
When you hear the beep the ASC-2080 is re-synced to the controller and you are ready to calibrate.
360˚Stunt Roll Button
NOTE: To exit the stunt roll mode without flipping simply press the stunt button again and the beeping
sound will stop indicating you have exited “stunt mode”
Performing 360º stunt flips with the ASC-2080 is as easy as 1-2-3:
1. Hover the ASC-2080 in still position making sure that you have at least 5 feet of clearance above and
below the quadrocopter. Set the speed settings to mode 2 or 3, (the ASC-2080 can not do the stunt in
T(Training) mode and speed 1 SLOW).
2. First press the 360 stunt button on the right top side of the controller and you will enter the “stunt roll
mode” which is indicated by a rapid beeping sound(see diagram S).
3. Next, using the right control stick, push directly to the right for a “right side roll” or directly to the left for a
“left side roll” (see diagram T). Remember to always use caution when performing stunts.
Once you have the confidence in controlling your drone you may begin to execute 360 degree stunts. Your
ASC-2080 is tuned to execute flips without the weight of the blade guards. Remove your blade guards for
the best performance and remember to operate your ASC-2080 in a large open field or other large open
area. Note when doing 360 degree stunts you will be using bursts of energy that may affect the overall
flight time of your drone. The more you flip the shorter your overall flight time. When the battery gets low,
red and white lights will flash on the body and the flip mode will be automatically disabled to conserve
energy for normal flight.
NOTE: The ASC-2080 is already properly trimmed and calibrated right out of the box and should not require
any trim adjustments before flying. Some more experienced pilots may want to adjust trim settings for
their style of flying. After several crashes you may need to adjust trim settings for the ASC-2080 to be
more balanced.
The use of the Trim buttons utilizes sounds. A single long Beep indicates the product is center
trimmed. When there’s no sound when press the trim means the product is trimmed to the maximum on
a particular side.
Forward/Backward Trim
• If your ASC-2080 drifts forwards or backwards while
in the air, counter the movement by using your
forward /backward trim buttons (see diagram M).
Banking Left/Right Trim
• If your ASC-2080 drifts to the left or right while in the
counter the movement by using your left / right trim
buttons (see diagram N)