Position the carrier with the im-
pression on the plate support.
Both metal nozzles on top of the
plate support clutch the two drill
holes of the impression carrier.
Insert the plinth plate into the
plate support from the bottom.
First, press the frontal groove of
the plinth plate against the spring
bolt; then the have the dove-tail
engage at the opposite side.
Tighten the fixing screw by hand.
Place the plate support with im-
pression carrier onto the magne-
tic table.
Turn the unit on at the main switch
at the unit's front (a green control
is lit). Activate the laser by pres-
sing either one of the triggers.
Align/determine the drilling posi-
tion by means of the laser beam.
Pressing of both triggers at the
same time automatically fixes the
plate reception and initiates the
drilling process.
The laser beam must be within
the dimensions of the Giroform
plinth plate.
If the laser beam (= drilling
position) is aligned outside the
dental arch, i.e. in the area of
the plate holder or of the
retention disc, the burr might
The laser automatically shuts off
2.5 min after the unit was used