Divesting: Put the blade tip of a
plaster knife between the impres-
sion and the plaster. The model is
lifted out of the impression by
turning the blade. Therefore, the
back of the blade rests on the
tray rim, and the tip of the plate
levers the model out of the im-
Place the model flat in your hand
with the split retention looking
downward, hit it with a hammer
on the dorsal area of the plate
until the dental arch comes off.
Then, dry trim the dental arch in
the vestibular and palatal area
with the Multitrim unit (115800).
As an alternative to dry trimming
and for finishing purposes, a
handpiece may be used furnished
with mandrel (815300) and arbor
band - grit 120 (815330).
Do not exceed the maximal di-
vesting time of 35 min since
otherwise irreparable dimensio-
nal deviations occur due to the
plaster expansion, thus resul-
ting in a high risk of breaking
the dental arch.