Door Installation
You can now fit the top door track to your building. The right hand end of the door track should be
roughly inline with the outer edge of the glazing bar below it (circled below). With help slide the left
hand door onto the track from the left hand end making sure the door wheels locate with the door
track as shown in diagram 42, point 6. At the same time you need to locate the door guide with the
door runner, point 7.
Holding the door up form the runner below so that it is just located in the runner (diagram 42, point
7) fix the track with the first 25mm screw at point 1 in diagram 41. The top edge of the door track
should be close to the top edge of the door header (NOT above as this may cause water to pool).
Next slide the right hand door onto the track, again adjust the position of the track until you are
happy with its location and fix with a 25mm screw at point 2.
Diagram 41
Dia. 42