Diagram 54
Dia. 55
Slatted Roof Installation (optional)
Diagram 55
With all the felt in place you can lower the first slatted roof panel into place. Its best to start above
the door and work around the building from there. Ask a helper to hold the first roof panel while you
position the fascia board below. You will notice the holes are slightly off-set, these should be closest
to the bottom edge of the fascia in this installation.
You will need to trim the felt at the corners, trim the
bottom layer and overlap the top layer. Then push the
fascia up until it touches the underside of the bottom
slat. The treated softwood frame should then sit in
behind it. Fix the fascia in place with 40mm pan head
stainless steel screws, this will then support the roof
section while you fix the rest of the fascias.
Make sure the felt is
folded down tight
along the bottom of
the roof, also line up
the ends of the fascia
with the corner of the
roof. The more time
you take over lining
these up will make a
big difference to the
overall finish.