Switchable high damp 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable low damp 50 Hz/1 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Rate Left: min-max in 128 steps.
Rate Right: min-max in 128 steps.
Depth Left: min-max in 240 steps.
Depth Right: min-max in 240 steps.
Decay Left: min-max in 127 steps.
Decay Right: min-max in 127 steps.
Switchable effect high pass filter 50Hz/1 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable effect low pass filter 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Phase Effect: Direct/Reverse.
Oscillator Type: Sine/Ramp.
Effect Mode: Stereo/Mono/Sum.
Percentage of effect : min-max in 127 steps.
Percentage of direct signal: min-max in 127 steps.
Switchable high damp 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable low damp 50 Hz/1 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Rate Left: min-max in 128 steps.
Rate Right: min-max in 128 steps.
Depth Left: min-max in 240 steps.
Depth Right: min-max in 240 steps.
Switchable effect high pass filter 50Hz/1 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable effect low pass filter 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Phase Effect: Direct/Reverse.
Oscillator Type: Sine/Ramp.
Effect Mode: Stereo/Mono/Sum.
Percentage of effect : min-max in 127 steps.
Percentage of direct signal: min-max in 127 steps.
Switchable low pass cyl: 50Hz/16kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable high pass horn: 50Hz/16kHz step 1/3 oct.
Rate cyl.: min-max in 128 steps.
Rate horn: min-max in 128 steps.
Depth cyl.: min-max in 240 steps.
Depth horn: min-max in 240 steps.
Cyl. amplitude modulation: min-max in 127 steps.
Horn amplitude modulation: min-max in 127 steps.
Cyl. volume: min-max in 127 steps.
Horn volume: min-max in 127 steps.
Percentage of effect : min-max in 100 steps.
Percentage of direct signal: min-max in 127 steps.
Effect Mix
Dry (%direct signal=X), Wet (%direct signal=0).
Output digital Attenuation
mute - 0dB in 127 steps.