5.3 Delay
Delay effect is a single echo repetition where the repetitions occur after a certain "delay time" and where the number
of repetitions depend on a "decay time" time, defining the time necessary to decrease the amplitude of the repetition
from the original sound level to zero.
- This program provides a delay of up to 1000 ms. The delay time can be adjusted in terms of delay and the
decay time depends automatically from the delay time. This is a useful utility program which can add space to vocals
kor instruments.
Var delay line
Amp Mod
Var delay line
Cyl %
Amp Mod
Horn %
5.4 Effects Functional Data
Effect Algorithms
Reverb, Reverse, Stereo Delay, PingPong Delay, Multi Delay, Chorus, Flanger,
Tremolo, Leslie
Switchable input low pass filter 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable high damp 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable low damp 50 Hz/1 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Reverb pre-delay 0/254 ms step 2 ms.
Early reflections pre-delay 0/254 ms step 2 ms.
Fast reflections pre-delay 0/254 ms step 2 ms.
Diffusion: min-max in 127 steps.
Density: min-max in 127 steps.
Decay: min-max in 127 steps.Switchable effect high pass filter 50Hz/1 kHz step
1/3 oct.
Switchable effect low pass filter 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Tuning: min/max in 127 steps.
Percentage of early reflections: min-max in 127 steps.
Percentage of fast reflections: min-max in 127 steps.
Percentage of reverb: min-max in 127 steps.
Percentage of effect : min-max in 100 steps.
Percentage of direct signal: min-max in 127 steps.
Time 40/705 ms in 200 steps
Pre-delay 0/254 ms step 2 ms.
Density: min-max in 127 steps.
Switchable effect high pass filter 50Hz/1 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable effect low pass filter 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Reverse Mode: Linear/Exponential/Gated.
Percentage of effect : min-max in 127 steps.
Percentage of direct signal: min-max in 127 steps.
Stereo Delay
Switchable input low pass filter 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable high damp 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable low damp 50 Hz/1 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Time Left: 0/995 ms step 5 ms.
Switchable input low pass filter 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable high damp 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Switchable low damp 50 Hz/1 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Reverb pre-delay 0/254 ms step 2 ms.
Early reflections pre-delay 0/254 ms step 2 ms.
Fast reflections pre-delay 0/254 ms step 2 ms.
Diffusion: min-max in 127 steps.
Density: min-max in 127 steps.
Decay: min-max in 127 steps.Switchable effect high pass filter 50Hz/1 kHz step
1/3 oct.
Switchable effect low pass filter 1 kHz/16 kHz step 1/3 oct.
Tuning: min/max in 127 steps.
Percentage of early reflections: min-max in 127 steps.
Percentage of fast reflections: min-max in 127 steps.
Percentage of reverb: min-max in 127 steps.
Percentage of effect : min-max in 100 steps.
Percentage of direct signal: min-max in 127 steps.