When Digital Mix ON/OFF is on, the analog mix potentiometer must be positioned on fully Wet. It is possible to
save preset including digital direct sound. When recalled, if the Digital Mix ON/OFF function is on, the preset
will have the previously chosen "%dir" and "%eff". If the Digital Mix ON/OFF is off, the recalled preset will have
only the Wet full percentage.
All the factory presets do not have digital "%dir" sound, so to permit to use easily
VERB as Send/Return device.
5.1 Reverbs
a. Halls
b. Rooms
c. Plates
Impulse Response
Late Reflections
Up/Down Button
these buttons are used to move inside the menus and to modify the parameter's value.
Enter/Esc Button
these buttons are used to access or to leave the several menus, or to confirm or not
the parameter's value.
Edit Button
: this button allows the user to enter the EDIT Menu (the Edit LED(3) will be ON).
When entered the Edit Menu, the user will be able to access and modify all the parameters related to the effects.
When the user will modify one parameter's value, the LED (1) will start to blink to signal the modification of the
parameter. The LED will blink until the storing of the new modified preset in one of the 64 available locations.
this LED is blinking when a preset's parameter has been modified and the new
preset's configuration has not yet stored in a memory location. If you do not want to store the modified preset
accepting to lose the new configuration passing to a next preset or turning off the
VERB, you can proceed
with the
VERB use also if that LED is ON.
Reverb in nature, is the sum of a large number of distinct echoes generated by the reflection of the original sound
against obstacles (i.e. walls). In a real acoustic space, the amplitude and brightness of these reflections decay
over time and the decaying is depending on the room size, the position of the sound source acoustic space, the
"nature" of obstacles (shape, material, dimension, etc.), and many other factors.
This algorithm is the simulation of a large acoustic space (as a concert hall). Halls want to simulate large rooms
with many reflective surfaces, where sounds can be reflected and also hided, changing its "colour" over time.
This is a classic reverb and can be used with all sound sources as vocals, drums or acoustic and electric instru-
This algorithm try to reproduce the sound of a medium size room. It has a more dense and rich sound than the
hall reverb algorithm, and this quality makes it good for rock and "disco" music. The attack is well defined and
"aggressive", sounding very good on keyboards, guitars and drums.
This algorithm want to simulate the "sound" of a classic plate reverb, obtained in the past using suspended
sheet of metal with transducers at either end. This kind of reverb, commonly used in the 1970's, it is still useful
for its transparent sound and it works well for vocals, piano, or guitar.