AltiConsole 4.5 Manual
Mouse Shortcuts
You can use several mouse shortcuts. The limitations that apply to all calls
also apply to these shortcuts: while connected to a call, you cannot place
another call, but you can answer another incoming call. To place or answer
a call, your phone must be off-hook.
Double-click an extension in any list of extensions to call that
Double-click an incoming call (Ringing state in the Active Calls list)
to answer it.
Double-click a call on Hold (Hold state in the Active Calls list) to pick
it up. You cannot pickup a call on hold while your phone is ringing.
Double-click an incoming call to another extension to redirect it to
your extension.
While you’re connected to a call, double-click another call to put the
first call on hold and take the new one.
If you double-click a call with the Hold Pending status, it is the same
as clicking the Roll Back button. That is, this action cancels a
Supervised Transfer attempt or a Conference attempt and reconnects
you to the original call.