In the frecuency cards we can configured the cut frequency of the highpass and
lowpass filters (normally equal, although they could be different if you want overlap ways),
the attack time, the release time, and the phase adjustment.
The following picture shows the frequency card components, in which you could seen
the different regions that we previously have been made reference:
How you could observe in the frequency card components picture, it is divided funda-
mentally in two parts, a highpass filter ( ), and a lowpass one ( ). The resistor arrays
R2 and R3 and the capacitors C7, C8, C9 and C10 belongs to the highpass filter and the
resistor array R1 and the capacitors C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6 belongs to the lowpass filter.
The high pass and loww pass filters are normally configured with the same cut fre-
quency, however in the cases that require overlap bands they should be different. Remem-
ber always that the lowp ass filter belongs to the way located to the left, and the high pass
filter to the way located to the right of the frequency card, looking at the crossover from the
The filters configuration depend on the capacitors and resistor arrays value. The ca-
pacitors are soldered to the frecuency card, and the resistor arrays provide of a socket, in
order to could change them easily. In order to insert a resistor array in the frequency card,
you make coincide the dot that has the resistor array in a lateral, with the dot placed in the
frecuency card components picture, and locating the pins of the resistor array over the
socket, push down.
Sometimes it won't be possible to find a resistor array of a certain value. If this occurs, it
is possible substitute the resistor array by discrete resistors, all of the same value locating
them according to show the next picture: