Altai Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
A8 Installation Guide_ R3 Hardware Platform
Figure 10-1 the method of how the self-tapping metals crew go into the wall plug via
a flat washer (side-view)
Figure 10-2 A fixed metal plate (front-view)
Connecting RF Cables
Each antenna has two RF ports, L & R (Left & Right), as shown in Figure 17.
Each antenna is treated as a SECTOR and is labeled as SECTOR 1, 2, 3 & 4, as
shown in Table 11-1. Hence, the eight antenna RF ports are labeled as 1L,
1R, 2L, 2R, etc correspondingly. The sequence can be either clockwise or
anti-clockwise (it does not matter).1L means left port of sector 1.
Connect an RF cable from each antenna RF port to the corresponding A8 BTS RF
port based on the table below. The antenna RF port and A8 BTS RF port
assignments are shown in Figure 2-2 and Table 11-1 respectively.