Device User’s Guide
7. Instrument setting for light source measurement
Instrument setting for light source measurement
Emission intensity measurement is used for LED evaluation, lighting, etc. It is measured in
units of watts or lumens. Since we are measuring the direct light source, we do not need
the light source for reference. Once the emission intensity is measured, the program
automatically creates the spectrum of theemission intensity.
Emission intensity measuremen for specific irradiation range
First, as shown in Figure7-1, irradiate the light source to be measured to the light
receiving port of the spectrometer.
Open the SpectraSmart software. Set to the emission intensity measurement
mode and acquire the dark spectrum with the measurement part of the
spectrometer shielded from light
Open the optical path and start measurment.
For the acquisition method, please refer to SpectraSmart User's Guide.
Configuration example
PC (sold separately)
SEC2021 Spectrometer
Figure 7-1: Emission intensity measurement of LED lamp