Configuring the AM-138
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Eagle 450 Upgrade Instructions, Rev. A00
The Eagle 450 does not use boot ID switches; instead it has a CMOS configuration menu to let you
choose primary and secondary boot devices, as well as set other system options, such as the system
monitor file to use. After installing the AM-138, as described later in this document, you can access the
CMOS menu before booting the new computer for the first time. You’ll need to do this if you aren’t
using the default boot configuration. The default settings are:
Primary boot device: Disk at SCSI ID 0
Secondary boot device: Streamer tape at SCSI ID 3
Monitor file name: AMOS32.MON
Initialization file name: AMOS32.INI
Network interface: TPI
Serial port 0 speed: 19.2K baud
Boot messages on console?: Yes
For information on changing the CMOS configuration , please refer to Chapter 4 of the Eagle 450
Installation and Technical Manual.
The AM-138 boards contains both AUI and 10BaseT Ethernet connectors. These connectors use the
same Ethernet controller, so performance is the same with both. Use whichever matches your network
You cannot use both Ethernet connectors at the same time. Attempting to use the Eagle 450 as a
gateway between two physical networks will not work.
To use the AM-138’s Ethernet port, you'll need Alpha Micro's networking software, AlphaTCP, which is
included with AMOS 2.3A and later. There are two software drivers for the AM-138's Ethernet port:
AM138.LDV, which is only TCP compatible (and supports ITC tunneling) and AM138.NDV, which is
AlphaNET compatible. In most configurations, AM138.LDV provides better performance.
For instructions on configuring AMOS to use the AM-138 Ethernet port, please see Chapter 5.
Additional information on configuring your networking software and hardware is in the AlphaTCP
Administrator’s Guide, DSO-00187-00.
The AM-138 board has an option to enable remote hardware reset, either through serial port 0, or by
using the Remote Reset Adapter, PDB-10323-00.
You cannot use remote reset through port 0 if port 0 uses an AM-90 card for its back panel
connection; the AM-90 does not support this feature. If you use an AM-90, which we
recommend, you must use the Remote Reset Adapter if you want remote reset ability.