5.2.2. Pmeteroffset Mode Setting
For example if the value of PmeterOffset is set to 20kW, the maximum power absorbed
from utility grid is 20 kW.
(1) If now the load power is <20kW, such as 10kW, and the batteries are not fully
charged, the grid will charge the batteries with 10kW and provide power to
load with 10kW at the same time.
(2) If now the batteries are full and the load power is 10kW, the grid power will
supply load with 10kW.
(3) If now the load power is >20kW, such as 30kW, the grid will supply load with
20kW, the rest 10kW will be supplied by T50/T100.
(4) If the load power is > (Pmeter_offset + Nominal output power of PCS), the
setup is invalid. For example:
a) For T50: the load power is 75kW, then the grid will supply load with 25kW and
T50 will supply 50kW.
b) For T100: the load power is 125kW, then the grid will supply load with 25 kW
and T100 will supply 100kW.
A. Turn on the function of Pmeteroffset: EMS->Setting-> Function->Grid->
Pmeteroffset ->Enable->Yes;
B. Set up the offset power: EMS->Setting-> Function->Grid-> Pmeteroffset->Offset
C. Set up the first offset start time: EMS->Setting-> Function->Grid-> Pmeteroffset->
Start Time 1;
D. Set up the first offset end time: EMS->Setting-> Function->Grid-> Pmeteroffset->
End Time 1;
E. Set up the second offset start time: EMS->Setting-> Function->Grid->
Pmeteroffset-> Start Time 2;
F. Set up the second offset end time: EMS->Setting-> Function->Grid->
Pmeteroffset-> End Time 2;
C. Check the running mode is AC_Grid: EMS->Setting->Function->PCS-> AC_Tied
->AC_Grid (Password
D. Check the system software type
E. Check the STS status is enable
EMS->Setting-> Function->Backup-> BackupBox ->
F. Check the meter status is enable
EMS->Setting-> Function->CT Meter->
G. Check the meter ratio is correct
EMS->Setting-> Function->CT Meter->Ratio->80;
H. Check the system mode
EMS->Setting->Function->System Mode->DC / AC /
I. Check the maximum charge power of system
EMS->Setting-> Function->System
Mode-> ChargePower->Power->50kW/100kW;
J. Set up the discharge cut SOC of the system: EMS->Setting-> Function->System
Mode-> DischargeCutSOC->11%;
K. Set up the PV storage capacity
EMS->Setting-> Function->Solar->Storage Cap;
L. Set up the On Grid capacity
EMS->Setting-> Function->Solar->On Grid Cap;
5.2.3. Peakshaving
A. Turn on the function of peak shave
EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid ->
peakshave -> PeakshaveEN -> Yes;
B. Set up the peak power: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid -> peakshave ->
C. Set up the valley power: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid -> peakshave ->
D. Set up the Delta power: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid -> peakshave ->
E. Set up the first peak shaving start time: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid ->
peakshave -> peaktime -> PEAK_T1-START;
F. Set up the first peak shaving end time: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid ->
peakshave -> peaktime -> PEAK_T1-END;
G. Set up the first valley filling start time: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid ->
peakshave -> peaktime -> FILL_T1-START;
H. Set up the first valley filling end time: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid ->
peakshave -> peaktime -> FILL_T1-END;
I. Set up the second peak shaving start time: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid ->
peakshave -> peaktime -> PEAK_T2-START;
J. Set up the second peak shaving end time: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid ->
peakshave -> peaktime -> PEAK_T2-END;
K. Set up the second valley filling start time: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid ->
peakshave -> peaktime -> FILL_T2-START;
L. Set up the second valley filling start time: EMS -> Setting -> Function -> Grid ->
peakshave -> peaktime -> FILL_T2-END;
The default PmeterOffset of the system is 0, that means the Pmeteroffset
function is off.
If this function is on, the EMS would adjust the PCS output power so that the total
grid power could meet the set value.