ADM-XRC-9R1 User Manual
V1.7 - 16th Sept 2020
2.1.3 Cooling Requirements
The power dissipation of the board is highly dependent on the Target FPGA application. A power estimator
spreadsheet is available on request from Alpha Data. This should be used in conjunction with Xilinx power
estimation tools to determine the exact current requirements for each power rail.
The board is supplied with a passive air cooled or conduction cooled heat-sink according to the order number
given at time of purchase. It is the users responsibility to ensure sufficient airflow for air cooled applications and
metalwork for conduction cooled applications.
For more details on heat-sinks supplied with Alpha Data boards, please view the Alpha Data Environmental
The board features system monitoring that measures the board and FPGA temperature. It also includes a
self-protection mechanism that will clear the target FPGA configuration if an over-temperature condition is
for further details.
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