Image 58
Image 59
Image 60
Image 61
Image 62
Image 63
Image 64
Image 65
Step 9. Assemble and Position Roof Support Rails
Align each roof support rail so the angled cuts join together to make a 90 degree angle (Image 58), placing the shorter supports on the sides
and the longer supports on the front and back. Fasten them together using 2” screws through the pre-drilled holes (Image 59). Use a framing
square to ensure the assembly is square.
Place the assembly on top of the wall sections so that the wall sections fit snugly into the groove (Image 60). When in place, secure to the
assembly to the walls using four 2” screws on each rail (Image 61).
Step 10. Position Roof Sections
Place the roof panels on top of the ceiling supports being sure the predrilled holes are facing
(Image 62)
Connect the sections via the
tongue and groove fit (Image 63). Measure around the roof support rails to ensure there is equal spacing around the top of the sauna;
approximately 1” of the support rails should extend past each side of the roof sections (Image 64). Once evenly spaced secure them into place
with the 2” screws through the predrilled holes (Image 65).
Step 11. Accessories
1. Install the vent hole cover using the provided screw and washer (Images 66 & 67)
2. Hang the thermometer/hydrometer on the opposite wall of the heater 12-15 inches below the ceiling (Image 68)
3. Unwrap bucket and ladle and set in sauna (Image 69).
4. Install doorknob – note difference between the Bridgeport & Braxton.
a. Bridgeport (Image 70)
b. Braxton (Image 71 & 72)
Image 66
Image 67
Image 68
Image 69
Image 70
Image 71
Image 72
Facing up
page 6