Preliminary Release
5.20 ES Encryption Phrase
When encryption is enabled (ee=1), a case sensitive phrase of up to 32 characters including
letters, numbers, and punctuation marks is hashed to a 256-bit AES256 encryption key using the
SHA256 secure hashing algorithm. This key is used encrypt and decrypt 128- bit message
fragments used in the AES256 encryption standard.
aesp=###. . .###<CR>
Examples: aesp=<CR> aesp=mydoghasfleas<CR>
5.21 Log Out
When password entry is enabled (ep=1) after a session is complete, the user logs out using the
lo<CR> (lower case L lower case O)
If the lo<CR> is not entered, then the session timer will automatically perform the log out after
timing out.
5.22 Quit Telnet
To quit a Telnet session:
5.23 Forwarding Mode
The 2288 forwards all RS-232 transmissions; however, Ethernet packets are forwarded more
selectively to avoid RF network flooding. There are four forwarding modes:
RTU and Host (qualified RTU and Host source/destination MAC address)
Host (qualified host source/destination MAC address)
RTU (qualified RTU source/destination MAC address)
All (No filtering, all packets forwarded)
The factory default is fm=3, but it is highly recommended that it be changed to fm=1 (host
forwarding) to prevent flooding. Host filtering is easily done by entering the host MAC address
in the host and remote 2288 radios. At the master only host sources are forwarded. At the
remote only host destinations are forwarded. Up to 16 host MAC addresses can be placed in
the host MAC address table.
RTU MAC address filtering offers additional traffic flooding protection. The master radio can
store up to 512 remote RTU MAC addresses. The remote radios can store up to two RTU MAC
addresses associated with the RTUs connected to that remote radio.
Examples: fm=0<CR> fm=1<CR> fm=2<CR> fm=3<CR>
Alligator Communications Model 2288 Technical Manual REV3.0 Copyright © 2018
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