Preliminary Release
mode forwards all packets (known as promiscuous packet forwarding mode). This mode
is only recommended for small systems and testing. The recommended mode is
fm=1<CR> (host mode forwarding). In this mode a master radio will only forward
packets with a tabulated host source MAC address. A remote radio in host forwarding
mode only forwards packets with a tabulated host destination MAC address. Up to 16
addresses can be stored in the 2288 remote or master radio. For additional flooding
protection, additional filtering can be configured to perform RTU MAC filtering also. The
host 2288 radio can maintain a table of up to 512 RTU MAC addresses. Each remote
2288 radio can maintain a table of up to 2 RTU MAC addresses. Refer to the command
summary for entering and reading RTU and host MAC addresses.
10. When using host forwarding (fm=0 or fm=1) on either the master or remote 2288 radio,
determine the host MAC Ethernet address and enter it in the host table using the
command: host[n]=##-##-##-##-##-##<CR>, where n is a lower case hexadecimal
number 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e, or f.
Up to 16 host MAC addresses may be stored in the host table memory. Each MAC
address contains 6 bytes, in lower case hexadecimal, with hyphen separators between
individual bytes. Enter hosttable<CR> to display the host table.
11. When using master RTU forwarding (fm=0 or fm=2), the master 2288 radio (om=1) must
contain a list of all RTU MAC addresses (up to 512). Enter an RTU address using the
following command: rtu[abc]=##-##-##-##-##-##<CR>, where abc is a lower case
hexadecimal number from 000 to 1ff (0 to 511 decimal). Enter rtutable<CR> to display
the RTU table on a 2288 radio configured as a master (om=1).
12. When using remote RTU forwarding (fm=0 or fm=2), the remote 2288 radio (om=0)
contains a list of up to 2 RTU MAC addresses. These addresses correspond to the RTUs
connected to that particular remote 2288 radio. The first RTU MAC is entered with the
following command: rtu0=##-##-##-##-##-##<CR>. The second (if any) RTU MAC address
is entered with the following command: rtu1=##-##-##-##-##-##<CR>. These two MAC
addresses are displayed in the regular status menu on a 2288 radio configured as a
remote (om=0).
13. Access to the 2288 can be restricted to personnel knowing an id and password. To
enable this password protection, enter the following command: ep=1<CR>. The id is set
using: id=### . . . ###<CR>, where the id is up to 16 characters and is case sensitive. The
password is set using: pw=### . . . ###<CR>, where the password is up to 16 characters
and is case sensitive. The default id is
and the default password is
Once a session is completed, the user logs out using the log out command: lo<CR>.
Should the user forget to log out, it will automatically log out due to user keyboard
inactivity after the lgt time. Should the password and/or id be forgotten, the factory
default can be restored by removing the 2288 cover and pressing the push button. (See
Fig. 3) The push button also restores the original defaults for the IP address, subnet
mask, and gateway. To disable password protection, either press the push button or
enter ep=0<CR>.
Alligator Communications Model 2288 Technical Manual REV3.0 Copyright © 2018
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