Allied Solar Pty Ltd
P-MAN-01-1a_Rev B
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual – AS-2560
Installation Checklist
Following are the installation checks that are to be completed prior to switching the system on.
Fill out the check list to confirm that the installation is complete, compliant and safe to switch on and
operate. Photograph the completed checklist and forward a copy to Allied Solar to obtain your full warranty.
Invoice Number:
Serial Number
PV Rails:
All of the L feet are screwed into roof battens and are
evenly spaced (max 1200 apart)
Y / N / NA
PV rails and any splice plates are bolted tight.
Y / N / NA
Earth plates are used on each panel.
Y / N / NA
End clamps are straight and not angled up or down
Y / N / NA
Mid clamps are snug between panels with no more than
1mm gap between edge of panel and mid clamp.
Y / N / NA
Mid clamps are bolted tight and all panels are secure.
Y / N / NA
Earth cable is clamped to the PV rail with the earth plates
Y / N
PV Cables:
PV cable and earth cable are not exposed to direct sunlight
and are not accessible or are enclosed in conduit (except for
the last 200mm at the connection to the cabinet).
Y / N
If the roof entry boot is used then it is installed under a
panel and in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and sealed.
Y / N
PV cable and earth cable are kept away from sharp edges.
Y / N
PV cables and earth cables are secured in place.(cable ties /
conduit), protected from damage and not under tension.
Y / N
AS-2560 Cabinet:
Cabinet will not be subject to water jets or strong sprays
(sprinkler systems)
Y / N
Cabinet is on a level concrete or wooden surface or similar
and secured to prevent it from being knocked over.
Y / N
Cabinet is not blocking any corridors or door way.
Y / N
Cabinet is not under stairs.
Y / N
The cabinet is not in an enclosed space that would restrict
cooling. The cabinet vents are not blocked.
Y / N
The earth stake is imbedded into the ground and connected
to the PV array and the cabinet
Y / N
All plug connections are secure and in good condition.
Y / N
Figure 4-6 Installation Checklist