Port Mirroring
3. Type 1 to select Mirror Port Selection. The Mirror Port Selection Menu
in Figure 14 is displayed.
Figure 14 Mirror Port Selection Menu
4. Type 1 to select Destination Mirror Port. One of the following prompts
will be displayed:
For an AT-FS7016 switch:
Select port(1-16, 0 to disable):
For an AT-FS7024 switch:
Select port(1-24, 0 to disable):
5. Type the number of the port that will function as the mirror port (the
port where traffic will be copied) and press <Enter>.
6. Select one of the following:
2 - Source Mirror Port (RX Data Only)
This option will mirror received traffic only.
3 - Source Mirror Port (TX Data Only)
This option will mirror transmitted traffic only.
4 - Source Mirror Port (TX/RX Data Both)
This option will mirror transmitted and received traffic.