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Network Setup – Getting Started (continued)
6. Configure the Location Layout
a. From the PC’s Start Menu, under
, click
Location Layout
. The
Location Layout
window opens. Refer to
Figure 11
Figure 11
b. In the
Location Layout
window, from the drop-down menu, select the desired location.
c. From the list of machines on the left section of the window, click and drag the desired machine
names to the window’s main section. Icons will appear for each machine that was selected.
d. Position the machine icons in the main section as needed to reflect the location’s actual layout.
To reposition the machine icons, click and drag them.
ii. To rotate the machine icons, click and drag the circles above them.
iii. To zoom in or out, click the magnifying glass icons.
e. To save the location layout, click the
7. View the Location Layout
a. From the PC’s Start Menu, under
, click
Location Layout
. The
Location Layout
window opens. Refer to
Figure 12
Figure 12
b. In the
Location Layout
window, from the
drop-down menu, select the desired location.
c. Icons for each machine in the layout appear. The machines’ colors represent the machines’
Red: The machine is not running a cycle.
Green: The machine is running a cycle.
Yellow: The machine has completed a cycle, but the laundry has not been removed from it.
Orange: The machine is running a cycle with less than 4 minutes remaining in the cycle.