Getting Started with ProcessLogix R300.1
Publication 1757-QS030A-US-P - March 2000
Click on OK to close the New Controller dialog box.
Click OK to close the Parameters Configuration dialog box.
To see your newly configured CPM and CEE, click the Project tab.
The CEE is listed under the CPM and is connected directly to it. This tells
you that the CEE is assigned to the CPM.
Enter the server parameters by following these steps:
a. Under the Project tab, double-click on the CPM0101 icon.
b. Select the Server Parameters tab.
c. Enter the following parameters (non-case-sensitive), and click OK.
As you enter the CPM slot number and the uplink MAC
address, notice the CPM and CEE name fields on the bottom
half of the New Controller dialog box. You will see that the
CPM and CEE names are assigned automatically. You can
change the CPM or CEE name by clicking on the CPM or CEE
name field and typing a new name.
If you want to change the CPM or CEE name, do so now, since
the CPM and CEE names reference all screen and tag names in
the server database.
To see the CPM and CEE, you may need to expand the Root
branch of your tree by clicking on the small “+” sign to the left
of the word Root.
in this field:
for the CPM, enter:
for the CEE, enter:
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