Publication 2364F-5.05 - March 1999
Testing Components
Testing and Replacing Parts in
the Power Structure
The RGU power structure design is based on the 1336 FORCE drive. To
test or replace parts in the power structure, refer to the instructions in this
publication, and refer to the appropriate 1336 FORCE service manual, listed
in Table 4.A, for additional details.
Table 4.A: 1336 FORCE Service Manuals
Note: Most of the construction and components of the N-code power
structure are equivalent to the M-code power structure. Publication
1336 FORCE - 6.15 can be used to service N-code power structures.
How the RGU Power Structure Differs From the 1336 FORCE
When using the 1336 FORCE service manuals, take note that the RGU
power structure differs from the 1336 FORCE in the following regards:
The power structure has an isolation board in place of the 1336 FORCE
precharge board.
The power structure has an RGU main control board in place of the
1336T main control board, standard adapter board, and HIM mounting
The power structure does not include SCRs, SCR heatsinks, SCR
snubber boards, or the SCR cooling fan.
The power structure does not include a ground sense current transducer.
The power structure does not include a DC bus inductor.
The power structure can include an optional R2R communication board,
R2R hub board, and/or SCANport interface board.
The power structure may include a third current transducer on phase L2.
The power structure may have a power supply filter board mounted
below the gate driver board.
RGU Current Code
Reference Publication
1336 FORCE - 6.12
1336 FORCE - 6.13
1336 FORCE - 6.14
1336 FORCE - 6.15
Not available at time of publishing.