This Appendix discusses the following:
How to address a PLC-5 from a PLC-2
How to address a PLC-5 from a PLC-3
Communicating from a computer to a PLC-5
The PLC-2 does not understand the file structure of the PLC-5. When a
PLC-2 sends a message to a PLC-5, the data is either read from or written
to a default file in the PLC-5. This default file is the file number that
corresponds to the decimal equivalent of the PLC-2’s octal node address.
For example, a PLC-2 with a node address of 012 (octal) will read data
from and write data to file number 10 (012 octal = 10 decimal) in each of
the PLC-5s on Data Highway Plus.
The file type of this file is not pre-defined, but the file must look like a
PLC-2 data table to the PLC-2.
The following table shows the octal addresses, their decimal equivalents,
and the PLC-5 reserved files. The first 9 files (0 – 8) are reserved for the
data type listed.