Three typical applications of the 1785-KE are discussed in this manual:
connecting a computer or other intelligent device to Data Highway Plus
via an RS-232-C point-to-point link (local mode, full- or half-duplex
protocol option).
connecting two Data Highway Plus networks together over a
point-to-point modem link (remote mode, full-duplex protocol option).
connecting a Data Highway Plus node (such as a PLC-5) as a slave on a
multidrop link with a modem (remote mode, half-duplex slave protocol
These are discussed in more detail later in Chapter 5, “Communicating
through the 1785-KE Module”. A short discussion of each application
Figure 2.3 shows an example of using a 1785-KE to attach a computer or
other intelligent RS-232-C device to Data Highway Plus. You attach the
computer to Data Highway Plus using a point-to-point RS-232-C link.
Figure 2.3 shows the following three options using:
a short (50 feet or less) RS-232-C link
the AB-longline RS-232-C option
a point-to-point modem link
Refer to Chapter 4 for more information on these RS-232-C options.